Learning Futures

The Metaverse, Implantable Tech, and AI with Katina Michael

Episode Summary

Sean and Katina explore a wide range of emergent technologies from the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education to Biological and Digital Convergence, the Metaverse and XR, and much more. With each topic we discuss the sometimes hidden impacts, and the potential for societal change.

Episode Notes

In this  episode, host Dr. Sean Leahy engages in a captivating conversation with Dr. Katina Michael. Dr. Michael's unique journey, transitioning from the telecommunications industry to academia and technology/society research, sets the stage for a thought-provoking discussion.

The conversation delves into a wide spectrum of emergent technologies, beginning with an exploration of the metaverse. Dr. Michael offers insights into its definition and current progress, while also pondering its future implications. A significant focus is directed towards the convergence of digital and biological technologies, particularly in the context of implantable tech. The episode also delves into crucial considerations regarding age-appropriate design and the ethical usage of these groundbreaking technologies.

One of the central themes of the conversation revolves around the potential impacts of AI, specifically generative AI, on education. Dr. Michael underscores the importance of thoughtful, collaborative design and emphasizes the need to consider social embeddedness when developing new technologies. Her advocacy for a human-centered approach, which prioritizes consulting end users and empowering human agency, shines through the discussion.

While recognizing the buzz and excitement surrounding these innovations, Dr. Michael encourages a balanced perspective of measured optimism. She urges listeners to think critically about how best to harness these tools for the benefit of society, making this episode a compelling exploration of the evolving technological landscape.


Links & Resources Mentioned:

Katina's ASU Bio: https://search.asu.edu/profile/3298186 

Katina's TED Talks: Brain Implants: Hype or Hope and Microchipping People

The Medium is the Massage by Marshall McLuhan

Notebook LLM by Google